Интелектуални резултати
Интелектуален резултат 1: Учебен план за бакалавърска степен по софтуерни технологии
A joint curriculum incorporating industry best practices and state of the art technology in the EU.
IO2: SoftAware Open Online Courses
Three interactive courses of the international curriculum with practical exercises, case studies, quizzes, etc.
IO3: Soft Skills Toolkit for HE Lecturers in Computer Sciences
Practical tools with exercises and case studies from real business situations with the most in-demand skills.
“Soft skills have more to do with who we are than what we know”
– Marcels M. Robles
Project Platform SoftAware Open Online Courses
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About the project
SoftAware project aims to create a transnational partnership between the major actors responsible for IT professionals’ enhancement, namely higher education institutions, research centres, employers, professional associations, social partners, VET providers and SMEs to foster the development of software talents across Europe.
Contact us!
To contact the SoftAware project team, please complete the form below and we will respond as soon as possible!